Monday, September 7, 2009

The web design industry revolutionised by Facebook

There are many community web sites on the internet nowadays. Two of the most popular are known as Facebook and Myspace. Facebook has recently had over 40 million active users. Looking at the interest of people in such web sites, other social networking sites have started to crop up over the internet. More and more people have started to design community web sites. This is certainly a good thing for the web design industry. Let's have a look at Facebook.

Facebook has become so popular on the internet that around 150,000 registrants may be recorded per day. More precisely, Facebook may register approximately 1 million users per week. About half its users may be outside college. That number was zero during September 2006. The unique features in its web design may have attracted many people. There may have been around 40 billion page views in May 2007. Here web design plays an important role. Facebook is full of things to discover and the web pages may all be professionally made. Also, an average visitor may stay for about 20 minutes on the web site. This may indicate that Facebook is really interesting. Its web design has successfully met the needs of its target audience.

Moreover, it has also been recorded that most growth had occurred among people aged 25. There may also be around 47,000 Facebook groups. These groups help people from different age, origin and community to connect and interact. Hence, web design may have been the key for the success of Facebook. Another web design technique used on Facebook is the photo sharing capability. It is considered as the number one web site for sharing photos over the internet. The web design also allows the site to hold millions of photos and show them on demand. In fact, Facebook may contain around 2.7 million photos actually. The site may also contain more than 2000 applications. The most used ones may be demonstrated as follows: Top Friends, Video, Graffiti, MyQuestions, iLike, FreeGifts, X Me, Superpoke!, Fortune Cookie and Horoscopes. The right web design has helped these applications to grow in fame. Even the smallest features of these may hold more than 4.5 million users.

Furthermore, not only web design has made of Facebook a success. Imagine all your friends registered on Facebook. If you are not registered yet, it's worth a try. The reason behind may be because you want to be closer to your friends and keep in touch frequently. By doing this, you may have unknowingly taken a step towards meeting an interacting with different people around the world. Why? The web design on the site and the various things that appear in front of you may encourage you to discover.

The web design industry has witnessed an immense development in the form of Facebook. The valuation of Facebook may be around 10-15 billion USD. This makes around 250 USD and 375 USD per active user. Other social networking sites have followed on the same path as Facebook. Web design features close to those on Facebook may be noticed. But it remains to be seen if they can become as popular.

Ralph Ramah is the webmaster of Discount Web Design, one of the leading web design company in the UK offering quality web site design and SEO services

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